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Breaking News.... AXA + Hollard Health

A warm Hollard Health welcome to AXA
Hollard Health is excited to announce that they will be joining forces with AXA Health, who are part of the AXA Group, one of the world's leading insurance brands.
Click here for more info


New Partnership announcement

We’ve cooked up an exciting new partnership
It’s all about the company you keep which is why the Hollard Health team is celebrating another exciting new partnership: by joining forces with Henner, Hollard Health will offer comprehensive health cover and support for people in Africa with a company who truly cares.
Click here for more info


Our turnaround times are still better than the rest

Take a look at our compelling stats.
Our numbers are much better than the industry standard, which means our customers are getting much better service!

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The Myth - Changing Health Insurers is not worth it?

The Truth - Compelling number make it a "NO-BRAINER"
Our clients are experiencing amazing service and turnaround times and we’ve got the numbers to prove it. Take a look at the compelling stats by clicking on the DOWNLOAD button – the numbers don’t lie.
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We've changed for the better

Hollard Health has evolved.
This means great things for you and your clients Recent changes within Hollard Health have given us the opportunity, and freedom, to make our product offering the best in the African market. Here is more information on how the new Hollard Health product will lead to happier clients and healthier members.
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It is time to up your selfie game

Get onto our Healthmov App
All you need to know to get your own profile sorted on our HealthMov App, join the club today!!!
15 minutes is all you may need to be trained on how to use or get the App loaded and your devices integrated. We will share several slots with you, all you need to do is choose one that is at a time that best suits your schedule.
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Hollard Health Loves Your Heart

Our hearts deserve to be given a huge amount of love
Click below to learn exactly how to take care of your heart

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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Mind Games
Did you know that whatever is going on in your head, directly impacts the health of your body? And whatever is going on in your body, directly impacts what's going on in your head? It's all interconnected.

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Move to sleep, Sleep to move

There’s no better time to start moving than today!
There’s no better time to start sleeping than tonight!

Daily movement is one of the easiest ways to speed up your health journey, but don’t freak out, we’re not talking about becoming ultra-marathon runners – we’re talking about taking small steps each day to work towards bigger health and fitness goals.

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Future proof your future self

Get to know your wellness and preventative care benefits
Here’s to a health-full year for you!

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